Saturday, January 17, 2009

Erin Update - 5:15 PM

Erin was released from the hospital earlier today and she and Rob should be arriving in Fortuna any time now. They decided to go all the way in one trip since Erin was doing well. She is looking forward to her adjustable bed and I can't blame her. amkes revoering much easier and more comfortable.

Deb durvived the birthday party this morning and Steven had a blast. When I talked to her a few minutes ago she was getting things together for Erin and Rob's homecoming, and Steven was screaming in the background, "Play with me!"

I suggested Deb have a glass of wine. She said she as planning on it!

I am sure Erin as soon as she is up to it will start making posts on her blog.

Welcome home Erin. Prayers for a speedy recovery.


Sarah said...

So glad things are going well!

Eileen and Stan said...

Hope Erin's recovery continues to go so well. Hang in there Debbie!